Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of
Southern California Romance Writers (SoCalRW)!

benefits of socalrw membership

  • Access to our network of local writers

  • Informational & entertaining meetings featuring bestselling authors and experienced marketing and business professionals

  • Discounted Online workshops to build your writing and business skills

  • Discounted monthly meeting fees

  • Access to members-only writing challenges

  • Opportunities to participate in community signings and readings

  • Access to our private Facebook page

  • Hands-on opportunities to learn more about romance publishing

Guests are welcome at the monthly meetings for up to two visits.
Only SoCalRW members may attend additional meetings & enjoy the other benefits of membership.

If you have questions, contact us and choose the option for "membership inquiry".

Join SoCalRW

*According to IRS requirements, SoCalRW dues are not deductible as a charitable expense, but may be deducted as a business expense.

RWA – San Diego was incorporated in the State of California in May, 1987, with a name change to Southern California Romance Writers in December 2021, as a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation organized under California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law. It is governed by Section 501 (c)(6) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. According to IRS regulations, membership dues and donations are not deductible as a charitable expense. Depending on your situation, you might be able to claim them as a business expense. Consult a tax professional for advice.